Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Somebody's watching you....

I wanted to share an excerpt from an email I sent to all of my talent. It was an email that pertained to proper conduct for an audition...It is something that a lot of people who attend auditions don't think about...

 Whenever you go to an audition you are to behave like a professional from the moment you walk in the door because it is possible that you are being WATCHED. This means even waiting in the outer room before you are in front of the client. Here is an example of why:
This week we were invited to a large audition and one of the clients was paying attention to the talent at an audition...all day...from the MOMENT talent arrived. Yes, that includes those who were complaining and grumbling and then were all smiles for audition- they were busted...and it was noted next to their name.

Complaining and grumbling about having to wait at an audition is not being professional. (and there is a reason that these are called cattle calls :) Some of the talent actually jeopardized their place in the production before they even auditioned. The client had the opportunity to see the talent as they really are. Some may thing this is unfair but hey: If they book you, they have to spend a day with you and both of your personalities. Doesn't sound that unfair to me.

I do teach this to new models when they join but it bears repeating.

Here's another tidbit- when it comes to behavior in the casting room waiting room: Low key is the way to go. The waiting room is no place for peacocking. If someone asks your advice give it privately and quietly. No boasting or bragging. It is a great place to run lines, make the polite and casual acquaintance of other talent, read, listen to music is no place to hold court and try to be the BMOC.
Here are a few more things we have heard from clients here and there that I would like to pass along:
  • Make sure your clothes are clean , CURRENT, pressed and nice looking. Make a great impression as if you are going to a job interview.
Your mom was right- you never get a second chance to make a first impression...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Model photos!

I am going to start posting some great model pics on this blog from now on (at least I will give it the old college try!) I see so many bad photos its a good thing exposure to them doesn't cause blindness or I would have a seeing eye dog by now.
A good model photo is well lit and shows the models face well looking nice and natural. The rest of the photos should show different poses and expressions. They ALL should be nicely lit (even natural light is nice as below) and they should be appropriate to the market place. In upstate NY we want a variety of shots that show first a great smiling head shot then (for adults) a business shot, a casual shot (ie upscale consumer) and then possibly athletic etc. Those are the basics. In no case to we want overly photo shopped, all sun glassed, hooded, ANGRY, overly accessorized shots that hide YOU. The client needs to see you to hire you. You can't fool an art director with photoshopped/overly accessorized shenanigans.
o that I can show people what good photos look like. I have been getting
Cute Dominic!

Monday, February 18, 2013

How to apply to an agency- we aren't splitting the atom here.

So how do you apply to an agency? It is really quite simple but it is surprising how many people mess it up. Often the most obvious things trip people up.
First remember that there is a professional business person on the other end of your transmission. If you can't spell or create a capital letter then by all means find someone to assist you. Your letter should start with a "Dear someone". Not Hey, or Hi. (Yes, I have gotten emails with no punctuation, no capitalization and HEY as a salutation.)
Most agencies including ours have a detailed list of what we require for our submissions and even have an on line application so that potential models can easily enter their data. It also lists what we are not looking for ie nude photos and out of state talent- which doesn't mean we don't get those submission. I can't stress enough how important it is to READ all of this information because not all agencies are kind enough to respond to you if you do this incorrectly. We respond to all applicants but some agencies simply lose your application.
When applying to agencies who do not have an application like this make sure you send them exactly what they requested and be considerate of their in box. Size matters so don't muck up an agency's email with 20mb photos. That will earn you no brownie points. Make sure you reduce your photos to a size that is reasonable as it will ensure that not only do they get them but you won't crash their email account.
We also want to know if you look good. If we can't SEE you, how are we know? DO NOT send photos of yourself that obscure your body or face. This seems so simple again, but  if I had a nickel for every sunglassed, ball-capped, mumu wearing model I could have a closet full of Christian Louboutins. To take that further, would you mind showing us your teeth? Most models have pretty nice teeth, not perfect but nice- so show us your pearly whites.
Don't forget contact infomation. This seems truly obvious but one of the reasons we created the form was that probably half of our submissions had photos and no contact information. Another half had no personal stats. Please tell us your height, weight, dress, pant, shoe sizes etc. You aren't applying for a telemarketing job here- you want to model so this info is germane. (and we will eventually know if you weren't being truthful so you might as well be honest here)
Most agencies are looking for new talent and don't want to waste time opening incomplete emails or applications- time is money.  The bottom line is if you want be considered as a professional model then send something akin to a professional submission. So SIMPLE!(and for the record save your duck face for your friends on FB; they may garner OMG's from your BFF's but they just get LOL's and deletes from profession talent agents) Good luck!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How badly do you want it?

We sometimes hear from models who ask us why they haven't gotten a job yet or in a while. There is no one answer to this question. One possible answer is another question: "How badly do you want it?"

If you really want to get the job(s) there are a few things that you simply must do:
1. You MUST have good, recent professional photos. Period, end of it. Often the person with the best photos wins. It is not about who is the prettiest model, it is about the model with the best photos. The photos that are the most diverse, best styled, best lit etc. Very few people with bad photos work regularly. They also must look like you do RIGHT NOW. If you have changed your look at all you must update your photos. If the photos are old you should also update. My clients look at our web site all the time and they are pretty discriminating and savvy. If they even think your photos might be out of date they will skip over you for new talent. The thought process being: fresh talent, fresh photos. Even if you still look like your photos, a good model updates them.

2. Do you attend auditions? Booking the gig(s) is not about getting an agent and waiting for the phone to ring. You must be proactive. My top bookers are also my most proactive talent. Coincidence? I don't think so. Attending auditions also gets you in FRONT of clients. That is never a bad thing. Even if you don't book every job you got out for, the clients will know you and see your dedication. I have had models book assignments for jobs they didn't even audition for because the client has seen them so many times before and remembered them or already had them on a reel. This type of over exposure is a good thing.

So sitting back and letting your agent do all the work is not really how its done. It should be a partnership. If you have a job change and you are now more available than you previously were, let your agent know. If you think you need new photos, ask your agent. Consult your agent BEFORE you get photos so they can coach you on what kind of photos are appropriate for the area you will be booking. (all locales are not created equal) Every time you get a booking your agent makes money- they want you to get work as much as you do. Every bit of advice they give you is to that end.